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Can My Period Affect the Healing Process?


Considering the intimate nature of labiaplasty, many patients have unique concerns related to healing after the surgery. From suture removal to scar visibility, Dr. Steven Yarinsky has heard a wide variety of questions from his patients. In addition to addressing every concern they have, our board-certified plastic surgeon also offers his expertise by answering questions in the online medical forum Real Self.

One woman, in particular, had undergone labiaplasty and was inquiring whether her period would affect the healing process. She explained, “The labiaplasty wound is almost closed, but I am afraid that this could infect the tender area.” The woman also mentioned the burning sensation was minimal and questioned whether she should stop using her antibiotic cream.

Dr. Yarinsky was happy to clarify that a woman’s menstrual period should have no effect on healing from labiaplasty and, therefore, should be no cause for concern. “Blood from your menses, or period, is not infected, and the vagina has a normal cleaning mechanism which requires little maintenance,” he said. Beyond using soap and water during a routine shower, Dr. Yarinsky explained that there is typically no need for douches or irrigation of the area.

While the blood from a woman’s period should not cause any issues to the incision site, Dr. Yarinsky emphasized that tub baths, swimming, and hot tub use should be avoided for three or more months following labiaplasty to prevent complications like infection and skin irritation or wound edge separation (showering is fine). In regards to applying prescription antibiotic ointment, Dr. Yarinsky explained that this is usually recommended until the incision location heals and the sutures dissolve—about one to two months. In his conclusion, Dr. Yarinsky suggested the woman check with her plastic surgeon to learn if she should continue use of her antibiotic cream or if she is safe to stop.

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